DVD details

Vantage Point

Vantage Point
Video: 2.40:1
Audio: English-Spanish-French-Portugueis-Thai
Subtitles: English-Spanish-French-Portugueis-ch-Korean-Thai
Item code: 21616
Label: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Release date: 01/07/2008
- Surveillance Tapes: Outtake
- An Inside Perspective: Interviews with the Cast & Crew
- Plotting an Assassination
- Coordinating Chaos: Stunt Featurette
- Commentary with Director Pete Travis

Vantage Point: Deluxe Edition

Vantage Point: Deluxe Edition
Video: 2.35:1
Audio: English-Spanish-French
Subtitles: English-Spanish-French
Item code: 26669
Label: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Release date: 01/07/2008
- Bonus Digital Copy
- Surveillance Tapes: Outtake
- An Inside Perspective: Interviews with the Cast & Crew
- Plotting an Assassination
- Coordinating Chaos: Stunt Featurette
- Commentary with Director Pete Travis

Versión en Español
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