Bill Thurman

Bill Thurman
 Biographical data
Birth: 4 November 1920
Death: 13 April 1995
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 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Bill Thurman movies
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- HAWKEN'S BREED (1987) .... Jeb Kline
- Poster MOUNTAINTOP MOTEL MASSACRE (1986) .... Rev. Bill McWilley
- Poster SILVERADO (1985) .... Propietario
- Poster TOM HORN (1980) .... Ora Haley
- Poster EVICTORS, THE (1979) .... Predicador Higgins
- BEASTS ARE ON THE STREETS, THE (1978) .... Carl Evans
- CENTENNIAL (1978) .... Tío Dick
- Poster CREATURE FROM BLACK LAKE (1976) .... Sheriff Billy Carter
- KEEP MY GRAVE OPEN (1975) .... Autoestopista
- IT'S ALIVE! (1969) .... Greely
- MARS NEEDS WOMEN (1967) .... Borracho en el Muelle
- NIGHT FRIGHT (1967) .... Alguacil Ben Whitfield
- SAM (1967)
- IN THE YEAR 2889 (1967) .... Tim Henderson [credited as Billy Thurman]
- CURSE OF THE SWAMP CREATURE (1966) .... Driscoll West / la Criatura
- ZONTAR, THE THING FROM VENUS (1966) .... Sheriff Brad Crenshaw
- Poster BLACK CAT, THE (1966) .... Barman
- EYE CREATURES, THE (1965) .... Sargento
- YESTERDAY MACHINE, THE (1963) .... Detective
 External links
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