Blue Washington

Blue Washington
 Biographical data
Birth name, credit names: Edgar Washington
Birth: 12 February 1898
Death: 15 September 1970
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Blue Washington
Blue Washington
Blue Washington
 Blue Washington 

 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Blue Washington movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- Poster CHARLIE CHAN IN HONOLULU (1939) .... Marino
- Poster CHARLIE CHAN IN RENO (1939) .... Hombre
- Poster CHARLIE CHAN ON BROADWAY (1937) .... Portero del Club "Hottentot"
- Poster NANCY STEELE IS MISSING (1937) .... Convicto
- Poster WELLS FARGO (1937) .... Sam, un Cochero
- Poster ANNIE OAKLEY (1935) .... Cocinero
- Poster CRUSADES, THE (1935) .... Guardia de Saladino
- Poster MENACE (1934) .... Sirviente
- Poster KING KONG (1933) .... Guerrero
- Poster KING OF THE ARENA (1933) .... Sambo
- Poster HAUNTED GOLD (1932) .... Clarence Washington Brown
- Poster DESERT VENGEANCE (1931) .... Porteador
- Poster MOUNTAIN JUSTICE (1930) .... Mose
- Poster LUCKY LARKIN (1930) .... Hambone
- Poster PARADE OF THE WEST (1930) .... Sambo
- BLACK MAGIC (1929) .... Unit
- Poster PHANTOM CITY, THE (1928) .... 'Blue'
- RANSOM (1928) .... Oliver
- WYOMING (1928) .... Mose
- There It Is (1928) .... Mayordomo [credited as Edgar Blue]
- Poster BY WHOSE HAND? (1927) .... Eli
- Poster HAUNTED SHIP, THE (1927) .... Mose
- Poster Haunted Spooks (1920) .... Mayordomo
 External links
Versión en Español
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