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-Poster LEDGE, THE (2011)
... Fotografía
- PAGAN QUEEN, THE (2009) [Amok Film]
... Fotografía
- TRIPPER, THE (2006) [Coquette Productions]
... Fotografía
-Poster BOOGEYMAN (2005) [Ghost House]
... Fotografía
- TANGLED (2001) [Myriad Pictures]
... Fotografía
-Poster MINUS MAN, THE (1999) [The Shooting Gallery]
... Fotografía
-Poster ARLINGTON ROAD (1999) [Lakeshore]
... Fotografía
- TIE THAT BINDS, THE (1995) [Polygram]
... Fotografía
- FOOL'S FIRE (1992) [American Playhouse]
... Fotografía
-Poster THOUSAND PIECES OF GOLD (1991) [American Playhouse]
... Fotografía
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