Charles Gemora

 One click to view alternate image  Charles Gemora Charles Gemora
 Biographical data
Birth name, credit names: Carlos Cruz Gemora
Birth: 15 June 1903
Death: 19 August 1961
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Charles Gemora
Charles Gemora
Charles Gemora
 Charles Gemora 

 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Charles Gemora movies
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- Poster I MARRIED A MONSTER FROM OUTER SPACE (1958) .... Extraterrestre
- Poster PHANTOM OF THE RUE MORGUE (1954) .... Sultan, el Gorila
- Poster WAR OF THE WORLDS, THE (1953) .... Marciano
- Poster WHO KILLED 'DOC' ROBBIN (1948) .... Gorila
- Poster GILDERSLEEVE'S GHOST (1944) .... el Gorila
- Poster MONSTER AND THE GIRL, THE (1941) .... el Gorila
- Poster CHARLIE CHAN AT THE CIRCUS (1936) .... Caesar, el Gorila
- Poster LOST JUNGLE, THE (1934) .... Gorila
- Poster ISLAND OF LOST SOULS (1933) .... Gorila en el Muelle
- Poster MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE (1932) .... Erik, el Gorila
- Poster SIGN OF THE CROSS, THE (1932) .... Gorila
- Poster NA-MA-PU: CANNIBALISM (1931) .... Caníbal
- Poster UNHOLY THREE, THE (1930) .... el Gorila
- Poster INGAGI (1930) .... Gorila
- Poster GORILLA, THE (1930) .... el Gorila
- Poster SEVEN FOOTPRINTS TO SATAN (1929) .... el Gorila
- Poster STARK MAD (1929) .... Gorila
- Poster WHERE EAST IS EAST (1929) .... Rangho, el Gorila
- Poster TARZAN THE TIGER (1929) .... Taglat, el Gorila / Chulk, el Gorila
- Poster Holy Terror, The (1929) .... Gorila
- Poster TARZAN THE MIGHTY (1928) .... Toka, el Gorila
- Do Gentlemen Snore? (1928) .... Charley, el Gorila
- LEOPARD LADY, THE (1928) .... Simio
- Goose Flesh (1927) .... Gorila
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