Clark Ramsey

 Biographical data


 List of movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- PARSON AND THE OUTLAW, THE (1957) [Charles Buddy Rogers]
... Fotografía
-Poster HIDDEN GUNS (1956) [Republic]
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-Poster OUTLAW TREASURE (1955) [Wheeler Company]
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-Poster GOLD FEVER (1952) [Monogram]
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-Poster HOODLUM, THE (1951) [Jack Schwarz]
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-Poster SUPERMAN AND THE MOLE MEN (1951) [Lippert]
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-Poster BATTLING MARSHAL (1950) [Yucca Pictures]
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-Poster FEDERAL MAN (1950) [Jack Schwarz]
... Fotografía
-Poster FIGHTING STALLION, THE (1950) [Jack Schwarz]
... Fotografía
-Poster I KILLED GERONIMO (1950) [Jack Schwarz]
... Fotografía
-Poster FIGHTING MUSTANG, THE (1948) [Yucca Pictures]
... Fotografía
-Poster SUNSET CARSON RIDES AGAIN (1948) [Yucca Pictures]
... Fotografía
-Poster PHANTOM PINTO, THE (1941) [Ellkay Productions]
... Fotografía
-Poster BUZZY RIDES THE RANGE (1940) [Ellkay Productions]
... Fotografía
-Poster BRONZE BUCKAROO, THE (1939) [Hollywood Productions]
... Fotografía
-Poster HARLEM RIDES THE RANGE (1939) [Hollywood Productions]
... Fotografía
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