Cy Schindell

 One click to view alternate image  Cy Schindell Cy Schindell
 Biographical data
Birth name, credit names: Seymour Schindell
Birth: 4 March 1907
Death: 24 August 1948
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 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Cy Schindell movies
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- Poster Hot Ice (1955) .... Músculos (escenas de archivo)
- Poster Crime on Their Hands, A (1948) .... "Músculos"
- Poster Shivering Sherlocks (1948) .... Of. Jackson
- Poster JOHNNY O'CLOCK (1947) .... Vendedor
- Poster NIGHTMARE ALLEY (1947) .... Roustabout (2da. Feria)
- Poster SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY, THE (1947) .... Taxista
- Poster BRUTE MAN, THE (1946) .... Policía que Controla a la Multitud
- Poster IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE (1946)
- Poster SOMEWHERE IN THE NIGHT (1946) .... Matón en el Club 'Cellar'
- Poster DICK TRACY VS. CRIME INC. (1941) .... 8vo. Secuaz en Planta (ep. 12-13)
- Poster FACE BEHIND THE MASK, THE (1941) .... Benson [credited as Al Seymour]
- Poster MONSTER AND THE GIRL, THE (1941) .... Secuaz [credited as Al Seymour]
- Poster GREEN ARCHER, THE (1940) .... Bill Darcy, un Secuaz (ep. 2-3)
- Poster HALF A SINNER (1940)
- Poster MYSTERIOUS DOCTOR SATAN (1940) .... Jake, Piloto del Biplano (secuaz) (ep. 2)
- Poster SHADOW, THE (1940) .... Streeter, un Secuaz (ep. 2-6, 8-11, 14)
- Poster TERRY AND THE PIRATES (1940) .... Morgan, un Secuaz
- Poster MANDRAKE, THE MAGICIAN (1939) .... Secuaz en el Banco (ep. 5)
- Poster BEWARE, SPOOKS! (1939) .... Pregonero
- Poster GIRL FROM RIO, THE (1939) .... Cliente del Blue Bird Gardens
- Poster THOSE HIGH GREY WALLS (1939) .... Convicto
- Poster WOMAN IS THE JUDGE (1939) .... Mickey
- Poster HAWK OF THE WILDERNESS (1938) .... Tres Pinos
- Poster SPIDER'S WEB, THE (1938) .... Cadman, un Capataz (ep. 11-12)
- Poster WELLS FARGO (1937) .... Extra
- Poster FURY (1936) .... Hombre en la Turba
- Poster UNDERSEA KINGDOM (1936) .... Guardia del Khan (ep. 2-3)
- Poster MURDER IN THE CLOUDS (1934) .... Cliente de la Galería de Tiro
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