Dorothy Christy

Dorothy Christy
 Biographical data
Birth: 26 May 1906
Death: 21 May 1977
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Dorothy Christy
Dorothy Christy
Dorothy Christy
 Dorothy Christy 

 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Dorothy Christy movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- Poster SO BIG (1953) .... Viuda Paarlenberg
- Poster CAUGHT (1949) .... Clienta
- Poster MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (1947) .... Secretaria
- Poster SCARED TO DEATH (1947) .... Sra. Williams
- Poster SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY, THE (1947) .... Encargada de la Tienda
- Poster UNFAITHFUL, THE (1947) .... Mrs. Freedley
- Poster UNDERCURRENT (1946) .... Mujer
- Poster FASHION MODEL (1945) .... Mme. Celeste
- Poster COWBOY AND THE SENORITA, THE (1944) .... Lulubelle
- Poster LAURA (1944) .... Mujer
- Poster FALCON AND THE CO-EDS, THE (1943) .... Maya Harris
- Poster AFFAIRS OF JIMMY VALENTINE, THE (1942) .... Mrs. Updyke
- Poster SIERRA SUE (1941) .... Verebel Featherstone
- Poster ROUGH RIDERS' ROUND-UP (1939) .... Pareja de Baile de Rusty
- Poster PHANTOM EMPIRE, THE (1935) .... Reina Tika [credited as Dorothy Christie]
- Poster ARM OF THE LAW (1932) .... Mrs. Myrtle Welling
- CONVICTED (1931) .... Constance Forbes
- DEVIL PLAYS, THE (1931) .... Dolores Quincy
- GRIEF STREET (1931) .... Mrs. Merle
- Poster KING OF THE WILD (1931) .... Mrs. LaSalle
 External links
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