Doty Hobart

 Biographical data
Birth name, credit names: C. Doty Hobart


 List of movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
-Poster CIRCUS COWBOY, THE (1924) [Fox]
... Guión
-Poster PLUNDERER, THE (1924) [Fox]
... Guión
-Poster VAGABOND TRAIL, THE (1924) [Fox]
... Guión
-Poster FIND THE WOMAN (1922) [Cosmopolitan]
... Guión
- Terrible Tragedy, A (1916) [Lubin]
... Guión
- Stolen Ruby, The (1915) [Kalem]
... Guión
- Scorpion's Sting, The (1915) [Kalem]
... Guión
-Poster Haunting Fear, The (1915) [Kalem]
... Guión
- Crooked Path, The (1915) [Kalem]
... Guión
-Poster Mystery of the Sleeping Death, The (1914) [Kalem]
... Guión
 External links
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