Eddie Acuff

Eddie Acuff
 Biographical data
Birth: 3 June 1908
Death: 17 December 1956
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Eddie Acuff
Eddie Acuff
Eddie Acuff
 Eddie Acuff 

 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Eddie Acuff movies
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- Poster BUNGALOW 13 (1948) .... José Fernando
- Poster G-MEN NEVER FORGET (1948) .... Fiddler, Vendedor de Autos Usados (ep. 3-4)
- Poster SMOKY MOUNTAIN MELODY (1948) .... Jenkins
- Poster TIMBER TRAIL, THE (1948) .... Telegrafista
- Poster DOWN TO EARTH (1947) .... Empleado del Teatro
- Poster SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY, THE (1947) .... Cowboy
- Poster SWING THE WESTERN WAY (1947) .... Mr. Spraggs
- Poster LADY IN THE LAKE (1947) .... Ed, el Forense
- Poster BELLS OF SAN ANGELO (1947) .... Chofer del Autobús
- Poster BANDITS OF DARK CANYON (1947) .... Faraday
- Poster EXPOSED (1947)
- Poster CHICK CARTER, DETECTIVE (1946) .... Warner
- Poster DANGER WOMAN (1946) .... Reportero
- Poster FLYING SERPENT, THE (1946) .... Jerry Jones
- Poster INSIDE JOB (1946) .... Jerry
- Poster NOTORIOUS LONE WOLF, THE (1946) .... Jones
- Poster RENEGADES (1946) .... Conductor de Diligencia
- Poster HELDORADO (1946)
- Poster BLONDE ALIBI (1946) .... Chofer de la Ambulancia
- Poster FROZEN GHOST, THE (1945) .... Reportero
- Poster HIDDEN EYE, THE (1945) .... Whitey
- Poster JUNGLE CAPTIVE (1945) .... Bill
- Poster SHADOW OF TERROR (1945) .... Joe Walters
- Poster IT HAPPENED TOMORROW (1944) .... Jim
- Poster SILENT PARTNER (1944) .... Taxista
- Poster DAREDEVILS OF THE WEST (1943) .... Red Kelly
- Poster FLESH AND FANTASY (1943) .... Policía
- Poster FALL IN (1943) .... Sgto. Topps
- Poster FLY-BY-NIGHT (1942) .... Encargado del Garage
- Poster TRAITOR WITHIN, THE (1942) .... Tommy
- Poster WHO IS HOPE SCHUYLER? (1942)
- Poster GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY, THE (1941) .... Telegrafista
- Poster GREEN HORNET STRIKES AGAIN, THE (1941) .... Lowery
- Poster HELLZAPOPPIN' (1941) .... Diablo
- Poster HIGH SIERRA (1941) .... Chofer del Autobús
- Poster JUNGLE GIRL (1941) .... Curly Rogers
- Poster ROBIN HOOD OF THE PECOS (1941) .... Sam Starr
- Poster MR. DISTRICT ATTORNEY (1941) .... Taxista
- Poster BORDER LEGION, THE (1940) .... Empleado
- Poster BUCK BENNY RIDES AGAIN (1940) .... Chofer
- Poster CHARLIE CHAN IN PANAMA (1940) .... Marino Sospechoso
- Poster ENEMY AGENT (1940) .... Agente Federal
- Poster HONEYMOON DEFERRED (1940) .... Taxista
- Poster MONEY AND THE WOMAN (1940) .... Mr. Jones
- Poster SHOOTING HIGH (1940) .... Andy Carson
- Poster BLIND ALLEY (1939) .... Gendarme
- Poster DAYS OF JESSE JAMES (1939) .... Guardagujas
- Poster MIRACLES FOR SALE (1939) .... Taxista que Sube al Prof. Tauro
- Poster MYSTERIOUS MISS X, THE (1939) .... Policía
- Poster PHANTOM CREEPS, THE (1939) .... Mac, Agente de AMI (ep. 2, 6-12)
- Poster ROUGH RIDERS' ROUND-UP (1939) .... Tommy Ward
- Poster PERSONS IN HIDING (1939) .... Collins
- Poster CHASER, THE (1938) .... Fotógrafo
- Poster INVISIBLE MENACE, THE (1938) .... Cabo Sanger
- Poster RHYTHM OF THE SADDLE (1938) .... Dixie Erwin
- Poster RIDE A CROOKED MILE (1938) .... Piloto
- Poster BLACK LEGION (1937) .... Metcalf
- Poster BACK IN CIRCULATION (1937) .... Murphy
- Poster MISSING WITNESSES (1937) .... Dtve. Pete
- Poster GUNS OF THE PECOS (1937) .... Jeff Carter
- Poster WHAT PRICE VENGEANCE? (1937) .... Tex McGirk
- Poster CASE OF THE VELVET CLAWS, THE (1936) .... Spudsy Drake
- Poster LAW IN HER HANDS, THE (1936) .... Eddie O'Malley
- Poster WALKING DEAD, THE (1936) .... Betcha, el Chofer
 External links
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