We have not information about Ernest Scott in the Database
 List of movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- CHILD'S PLAY (1954) .... Ernest Rutheford
- ARIZONA TRAILS (1935) .... Forajido
- BOSS COWBOY, THE (1935) .... Peón de Nolan
- Poster RAWHIDE ROMANCE (1934) .... Peón
- Poster LIGHTNING BILL (1934) .... Ganadero
- Poster RIDING SPEED (1934) .... Secuaz
- Poster FIGHTING COWBOY (1933) .... Desert Rat
- CIRCLE CANYON (1933) .... Secuaz
- Poster LIGHTNING RANGE (1933) .... Clem, un Secuaz
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