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- NIGHT STALKER 1/08 INTO NIGHT (2006) .... Alex Nyby
- NIGHT STALKER 1/09 TIMELESS (2006) .... Alex Nyby
- NIGHT STALKER 1/03 THREE (2005) .... Alex Nyby
- NIGHT STALKER 1/05 MALUM (2005) .... Alex Nyby
- CONFESS (2005) .... Terell Lessor
- Poster ANACONDAS: THE HUNT FOR THE BLOOD ORCHID (2004) .... Cole Burris
- Poster ONE POINT 0 (2004) .... Nile
- DEMON ISLAND (2002) .... Doug
- Poster DEAD MAN (1995) .... Johnny 'The Kid' Pickett
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