Frankie Lee

Frankie Lee
 Biographical data


 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Frankie Lee movies
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- Poster CODE OF THE WEST (1925) .... Bud
- Poster GOLDEN STRAIN, THE (1925) .... Milt (de niño)
- Poster UNKNOWN PURPLE, THE (1923) .... Bobbie
- Poster BORDERLAND (1922) .... Jimty
- Poster WHILE JUSTICE WAITS (1922) .... Joe
- Poster FLAMING HEARTS (1922)
- Poster KILLER, THE (1921) .... Bobby Emory
- Poster PRIMAL LAW, THE (1921) .... Bobbie Carson
- Poster WESTERNERS, THE (1919) .... Dennis, el Chico
- Poster RIGHT TO BE HAPPY, THE (1916) .... Tiny Tim [credited as Francis Lee]
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Versión en Español
Cinefania Online
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