George Clinton

 Biographical data
Birth name, credit names: George S. Clinton
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 List of movies
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-TV Serie: NIGHT VISIONS (2001-2001) [Fox Network]
... Música
-Poster 3000 MILES TO GRACELAND (2001) [Warner]
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-Poster ASTRONAUT'S WIFE, THE (1999) [New Line Cinema]
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-Poster WILD THINGS (1998) [Columbia]
... Música
... Música
-Poster MORTAL KOMBAT 2: ANNIHILATION (1997) [New Line Cinema]
... Música
- INTENSITY (1997) [Columbia TV]
... Música
-Poster MORTAL KOMBAT: THE MOVIE (1995) [New Line Cinema]
... Música
- SEDUCED BY EVIL (1994) [Wilshire Court]
... Música
- KISS TO DIE FOR, A (1993) [Hearst Entertainment]
... Música
-Poster PAPER HEARTS (1993) [Trimark]
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- THROUGH THE EYES OF A KILLER (1992) [Wilshire Court]
... Música
- TEN LITTLE INDIANS (1989) [Breton Film Prod.]
... Música
-Poster HOUSE OF USHER, THE (1988) [Breton Film Prod.]
... Música
- BOYS NEXT DOOR, THE (1985) [Republic Entertainment]
... Música
-Poster APPLE, THE (1980) [NF Geria III]
... Música
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of George Clinton movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- COSMIC SLOP (1994) .... Anfitrión
- Poster APPLE, THE (1980) .... Joe
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