Greg McClure

 Biographical data


 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Greg McClure movies
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- Poster ROARING CITY (1951) .... Steve Belzig / Vic Lundy
- Poster BATMAN AND ROBIN (1949) .... Evans, un Secuaz (ep. 1-6)
- Poster DALTON GANG, THE (1949) .... Emmett Dalton alias Missouri Ganz
- Poster GOLDEN STALLION, THE (1949) .... Ben, un Secuaz
- Poster SKY LINER (1949) .... J.S. Conningsby
- Poster THUNDER IN THE PINES (1948) .... 'Hammerhead' Hogan
- Poster BURY ME DEAD (1947) .... George Mandley
- Poster CANTERVILLE GHOST, THE (1944) .... Sargento
 External links
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