Harry Bailey

Harry Bailey
 Biographical data
Birth name, credit names: Harry Allyn Bailey
Birth: 27 September 1879
Death: 9 August 1954
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 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Harry Bailey movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- Poster CAPTAIN BOYCOTT (1947) .... Librero
- Poster MAN WHO RETURNED TO LIFE, THE (1942) .... Smith
- Poster CONFESSIONS OF BOSTON BLACKIE (1941) .... Bidders
- Poster NIGHT OF JANUARY 16TH, THE (1941) .... Director de Faulkner Corp.
- Poster LONE WOLF STRIKES, THE (1940) .... Vendedor
- Poster BEWARE, SPOOKS! (1939) .... Pregonero
- Poster DISBARRED (1939) .... Testigo
- Poster THOSE HIGH GREY WALLS (1939) .... Guardagujas
- Poster PERSONS IN HIDING (1939) .... Oficial de la Aerolínea
- Poster GRAND JURY SECRETS (1939) .... Jurado
- Poster MAD MISS MANTON, THE (1938) .... Sargento
- Poster SPIDER'S WEB, THE (1938) .... Dr. Gaylord (ep. 1)
- Poster ACCUSING FINGER, THE (1936) .... Senador
 External links
Versión en Español
Cinefania Online
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