Jack Shea

 Biographical data
Birth: 24 April 1913
Death: 17 July 1972
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 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Jack Shea movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- SHADOW OVER ELVERON (1968) .... Oficial
- Poster CHAMBER OF HORRORS (1966) .... Gross
- Poster JET PILOT (1957) .... Policía Militar
- Poster JUPITER'S DARLING (1955) .... Guardia Borracho
- Poster WICKED WOMAN (1953) .... Hombre en el Bar
- Poster JACK AND THE BEANSTALK (1952) .... Aldeano
- Poster KANSAS CITY CONFIDENTIAL (1952) .... Policía
- Poster ZOMBIES OF THE STRATOSPHERE (1952) .... Guardia del Cohete (ep. 2)
- Poster RACKET, THE (1951) .... Sargento
- Poster UNKNOWN MAN, THE (1951) .... Oficial del Fiscal
- Poster ARMORED CAR ROBBERY (1950) .... Of. Evans
- Poster ASPHALT JUNGLE, THE (1950) .... Policía
- Poster MYSTERY STREET (1950) .... Policía
- Poster WALK SOFTLY, STRANGER (1950) .... Policía
- Poster SCENE OF THE CRIME (1949) .... Luchador
- Poster TOO LATE FOR TEARS (1949) .... Policía
- Poster DANGER STREET (1947) .... Policía
- Poster BIG TOWN (1947) .... Policía
- Poster THEY CAME TO BLOW UP AMERICA (1943) .... Agente del FBI que Escolta a Carl
- Poster FALL IN (1943) .... Sgto. Tasacoscowitz
- Poster REMARKABLE ANDREW, THE (1942) .... Hombre
- Poster PACIFIC LINER (1939) .... Navegante
- Poster INVISIBLE MENACE, THE (1938) .... Soldado
 External links
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