We have not information about James Wilberger in the Database
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- JANE DOE: HOW TO FIRE YOUR BOSS (2007) [Alpine Medien]
... Producción
- JANE DOE: THE HARDER THEY FALL (2006) [Alpine Medien]
... Producción
- JANE DOE: YES, I REMEMBER IT WELL (2006) [Alpine Medien]
... Producción
- JANE DOE: THE WRONG FACE (2005) [Alpine Medien]
... Producción
- JANE DOE: VANISHING ACT (2005) [Alpine Medien]
... Producción
- JANE DOE: TIL DEATH DO US PART (2005) [Alpine Medien]
... Producción
- JANE DOE: NOW YOU SEE IT, NOW YOU DON'T (2005) [Alpine Medien]
... Producción
-Poster FRANKENSTEIN (2004) [Hallmark]
... Producción
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- JANE DOE: NOW YOU SEE IT, NOW YOU DON'T (2005) .... Don Henkel [credited as Jim Wilberger]
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