Joe Cunningham

 One click to view alternate image  Joe Cunningham Joe Cunningham
 Biographical data
Birth name, credit names: Joseph A. Cunningham
Birth: 22 June 1890
Death: 3 April 1943
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 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Joe Cunningham movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- Poster MANTRAP, THE (1943) .... Jardinero
- Poster DUDES ARE PRETTY PEOPLE (1942) .... Joe
- Poster AFFAIRS OF JIMMY VALENTINE, THE (1942) .... Charles Stanton
- Poster I LIVE ON DANGER (1942) .... Insp. Conlon
- Poster TORCHY BLANE IN CHINATOWN (1939) .... Maxie, el Editor
- Poster SECRET SERVICE OF THE AIR (1939) .... Agente Dawson
- Poster TORCHY BLANE... PLAYING WITH DYNAMITE (1939) .... Maxie, el Editor
- Poster TORCHY RUNS FOR MAYOR (1939) .... Maxie, el Editor
- Poster BLONDES AT WORK (1938) .... Maxi, Editor
- THEY DRIVE BY NIGHT (1938) .... Dtve. Pryor
- Poster TORCHY BLANE IN PANAMA (1938) .... Maxie, el Editor
- Poster TORCHY GETS HER MAN (1938) .... Maxie, el Editor
- REBEL SON, THE (1938) .... Sachka
- Poster SMART BLONDE (1937) .... Maxie, el Editor
- Poster MIDNIGHT COURT (1937) .... Reportero
 External links
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