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   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- Poster WILD WEST (1946) .... Condestable
- Poster WILDFIRE (1945) .... Jess Stolton
- Poster ARIZONA WHIRLWIND (1944) .... Secuaz
- Poster OUTLAW TRAIL (1944) .... Ed Knowles
- Poster SONORA STAGECOACH (1944) .... Pop Carson
- Poster WESTWARD BOUND (1944) .... Ira Phillips
- Poster HARMONY TRAIL (1944) .... Sheriff Brent
- Poster BLAZING GUNS (1943) .... Juez Foster
- Poster DEATH VALLEY RANGERS (1943) .... Cal Wilkins, un Secuaz
- Poster LAW RIDES AGAIN, THE (1943) .... Jess, un Secuaz
- Poster WILD HORSE STAMPEDE (1943) .... Cnel. Black
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