John Dilson

John Dilson
 Biographical data
Birth name, credit names: John H. Dilson
Birth: 1891
Death: 1 June 1944
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 List of movies
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- Poster GHOST THAT WALKS ALONE, THE (1944) .... Bascomb
- Poster DR. GILLESPIE'S CRIMINAL CASE (1943) .... Green, Miembro del Comité de Libertad Condicional
- Poster FALSE FACES (1943) .... Burnett, el Forense
- Poster KING OF THE COWBOYS (1943) .... Bryson
- Poster LEOPARD MAN, THE (1943) .... Forense
- Poster NIGHT TO REMEMBER, A (1943) .... Forense
- Poster IN OLD OKLAHOMA (1943) .... Conserje
- Poster JOHNNY EAGER (1942) .... Prestamista
- Poster SEALED LIPS (1942) .... Casero
- Poster FALCON'S BROTHER, THE (1942) .... Oficial
- Poster FLY-BY-NIGHT (1942) .... Dr. Tracy
- Poster MADAME SPY (1942) .... Propietario
- Poster SABOTAGE SQUAD (1942) .... Mr. Guthrie
- Poster ACROSS THE SIERRAS (1941) .... Dan Woodworth
- Poster DICK TRACY VS. CRIME INC. (1941) .... Henry Weldon
- Poster DRESSED TO KILL (1941) .... Forense
- Poster FACE BEHIND THE MASK, THE (1941) .... Anderson
- Poster FOOTSTEPS IN THE DARK (1941) .... Forense
- Poster INTERNATIONAL LADY (1941) .... Experto en Códigos
- Poster MAN AT LARGE (1941) .... Reportero
- Poster MAN MADE MONSTER (1941) .... Forense
- Poster MONSTER AND THE GIRL, THE (1941) .... Empleado
- Poster SHADOW OF THE THIN MAN (1941) .... Forense
- Poster SUNSET IN WYOMING (1941) .... Phipps
- Poster CYCLONE ON HORSEBACK (1941) .... Mr. Williams, un Banquero
- Poster BODY DISAPPEARS, THE (1941) .... Dr. Jasper
- Poster PIONEERS OF THE WEST (1940) .... Morgan
- Poster ADVENTURES OF RED RYDER (1940) .... Of. Hale (ep. 1)
- Poster BEYOND THE SACRAMENTO (1940) .... Banquero Jason Perry
- Poster CHARLIE CHAN'S MURDER CRUISE (1940) .... Doctor
- Poster DARK COMMAND (1940) .... Jefe del Pueblo
- Poster DRUMS OF FU MANCHU (1940) .... Prof. Ezra Howard (ep. 5-6)
- Poster GALLANT SONS (1940) .... Farmacéutico
- Poster LEGION OF THE LAWLESS (1940) .... Dave Martin
- Poster MAN WITH NINE LIVES, THE (1940) .... Fiscal John Hawthorne
- Poster PHANTOM OF CHINATOWN (1940) .... Charles Fraser [credited as John H. Dilson]
- Poster STAGE TO CHINO (1940) .... Inspector Jim Pierce
- Poster KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED (1940) .... Dr. Wall (ep. 1)
- Poster THUNDERING FRONTIER (1940) .... Carter Filmore
- Poster MARKED MEN (1940) .... Dr. James Prentiss Harkness
- Poster ARIZONA LEGION (1939) .... Fiscal
- Poster MAN THEY COULD NOT HANG, THE (1939) .... Rey
- Poster ON TRIAL (1939) .... Presidente del Jurado
- Poster STAND UP AND FIGHT (1939) .... Rematador
- Poster TROUBLE IN SUNDOWN (1939) .... Edward Simmons
- Poster WOMAN IS THE JUDGE (1939) .... Ramsey
- Poster S.O.S. TIDAL WAVE (1939) .... Appleby
- Poster FLYING G-MEN (1939) .... Dr. Alexander Craig
- Poster RACKETEERS OF THE RANGE (1939) .... William J. Benson
- Poster CHASER, THE (1938) .... Empleado
- Poster THERE'S THAT WOMAN AGAIN (1938) .... Alguacil del Forense
- Poster WHO KILLED GAIL PRESTON? (1938) .... Lally
- Poster THIRTEENTH MAN, THE (1937) .... Henry L. Martin, Candidato a Fiscal de Distrito
- Poster DICK TRACY (1937) .... Ellery Brewster (ep. 1, 12)
- Poster SHADOW STRIKES, THE (1937) .... Gordon, Asociado de Brossett
- Poster CASE OF THE VELVET CLAWS, THE (1936) .... Arthur Atwood, Abogado de Griffin
- Poster CHARLIE CHAN AT THE CIRCUS (1936) .... Doctor
- Poster ROBINSON CRUSOE OF CLIPPER ISLAND (1936) .... E.G. Ellsworth
- Poster FINAL HOUR, THE (1936) .... Burns
- Poster EX-MRS. BRADFORD, THE (1936) .... Analista
- Poster MURDER MAN, THE (1935) .... Meltzer
- Poster DEATH FROM A DISTANCE (1935) .... McConnell, Editor
- Poster SILVER STREAK, THE (1934) .... Doctor
- Poster WESTERNER, THE (1934) .... Senador Lockhart [credited as John H. Dilson]
 External links
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