Judd Nelson

Judd Nelson
 Biographical data
Birth: 28 November 1959


Judd Nelson
Judd Nelson
Judd Nelson
 Judd Nelson 

 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Judd Nelson movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- DAY THE EARTH STOPPED (2008) .... Charlie
- INFECTED (2008) .... Malcolm Burgess
- Poster NEVERMORE (2007) .... Jonathan Usher
- BLACK HOLE, THE (2006) .... Eric Bryce
- DECEIVED (2002) .... Jack Jones
- RETURN TO CABIN BY THE LAKE (2001) .... Stanley Caldwell
- Poster LOST VOYAGE, THE (2001) .... Aaron Roberts
- STRANGE FREQUENCY (2001) .... Martin Potter
- DARK ASYLUM (2001)
- Poster CABIN BY THE LAKE (2000) .... Stanley Caldwell
- SPIRAL STAIRCASE, THE (2000) .... Phillip Warren
- FALCON DOWN (2000) .... Harold Peters
- BLACKWATER TRAIL (1995) .... Matt
- Poster CIRCUMSTANCES UNKNOWN (1995) .... Paul
- CAROLINE AT MIDNIGHT (1994) .... Phil Gallo
- FLINCH (1994) .... Harry Mirapolsky
- ENTANGLED (1993) .... David Merkin
- TALES FROM THE CRYPT 4/44 WHAT'S COOKIN' (1992) .... Gaston
- DARK BACKWARD, THE (1991) .... Marty Malt
- Poster RELENTLESS (1989) .... Buck Taylor
- BILLIONAIRE BOYS CLUB (1987) .... Joe Hunt
 External links
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