Keith Andes

Keith Andes
 Biographical data
Birth name, credit names: John Charles Andes
Birth: 12 July 1920
Death: 11 November 2005
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Keith Andes
Keith Andes
Keith Andes
 Keith Andes 

 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Keith Andes movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- BUCK ROGERS 1/20 BUCK'S DUEL TO THE DEATH (1980) .... Darius
- Poster ...AND JUSTICE FOR ALL (1979) .... Marvin Bates
- ULTIMATE IMPOSTER, THE (1979) .... Eugene Danziger
- SEARCH 1/16 COUNTDOWN TO PANIC (1973) .... Dr. Barnett
- SEARCH 1/17 THE CLAYTON LEWIS DOCUMENT (1973) .... Dr. Barnett
- SEARCH 1/18 GODDESS OF DESTRUCTION (1973) .... Dr. Barnett
- SEARCH 1/19 THE MATTSON PAPERS (1973) .... Dr. Barnett
- SEARCH 1/20 MOMENT OF MADNESS (1973) .... Dr. Barnett
- SEARCH 1/21 ENDS OF THE EARTH (1973) .... Dr. Barnett
- SEARCH 1/22 SUFFER MY CHILD (1973) .... Dr. Barnett
- SEARCH 1/23 THE PACKAGERS (1973) .... Dr. Barnett
- Poster HELL'S BLOODY DEVILS (1970) .... Bremonte
- TV Serie: BIRDMAN AND THE GALAXY TRIO (1967-1968) .... Birdman (Ray Randall) (voz)
- STAR TREK 2/34 THE APPLE (1967) .... Akuta
- OUTER LIMITS 2/36 EXPANDING HUMAN (1964) .... Dr. Peter Wayne
- TV Serie: THIS MAN DAWSON (1959-1960) .... Cnel. Frank Dawson
- Poster PILLARS OF THE SKY (1956) .... Capt. Tom Gaxton
- Poster SPLIT SECOND (1953) .... Larry Fleming
- Poster CLASH BY NIGHT (1952) .... Joe Doyle
- Poster PROJECT X (1949) .... Steve Monahan
 External links
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