Lee Byung-Hun

Lee Byung-Hun
 Biographical data
Birth: 12 July 1970


 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Lee Byung-Hun movies
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- Poster AKMAREUL BOATTDA (2010) .... Kim Dae-Hoon
- Poster JOHEUM-NOM, NABBEUN-NOM, ISANGHAN-NOM (2008) .... Park Chang-yi, el Malo
- Poster DALKOMHAN INSAENG (2005) .... Sun-Woo
- Poster SAAM GAANG YI (2004) .... Director
- Poster GONGDONG GYEONGBI GUYEOK JSA (2000) .... Sgto. Lee Soo-Hyeok
 External links
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