Lee Garlington

 Biographical data


 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Lee Garlington movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- PULSE 2: AFTERLIFE (2008) .... Tía Carmen
- MORTUARY (2005) .... Rita
- Poster SUM OF ALL FEARS, THE (2002) .... Mary Pat Foley
- DARK SKIES 1/01-02 THE AWAKENING (1996) .... Betty Hill
- Poster FIELD OF DREAMS (1989) .... Beulah
- Poster SEVENTH SIGN, THE (1988) .... Dra. Margaret Inness
- Poster PSYCHO III (1986) .... Myrna
- Poster PSYCHO II (1983) .... Myrna
 External links
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