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   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- Poster SON OF FLUBBER (1963) .... Humphrey Harker
- Poster GHOST OF DRAGSTRIP HOLLOW (1959) .... Bonzo
- Poster RANSOM! (1956) .... Asistente del Control de TV
- Poster CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE (1945) .... Lefty
- Poster CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE (1945) .... Lefty
- Poster GREAT STAGECOACH ROBBERY (1945) .... Tattletale
- Poster SEVENTH CROSS, THE (1944) .... Fritz / Miembro de la Juventud Hitleriana
- Poster LOVES OF EDGAR ALLAN POE, THE (1942) .... Timothy, un Imprentero
- Poster HONEYMOON DEFERRED (1940) .... Mensajero
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