Madeleine Stowe

 Biographical data


 List of movies
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- OCTANE (2003) .... Senga
- Poster IMPOSTOR (2002) .... Dra. Maya Olham
- Poster GENERAL'S DAUGHTER, THE (1999) .... Sara Sunhill
- Poster TWELVE MONKEYS (1995) .... Kathryn Railly
- Poster BAD GIRLS (1994) .... Cody Zamora
- BLINK (1994) .... Emma Brody
- Poster UNLAWFUL ENTRY (1992) .... Karen Carr
- Poster TWO JAKES, THE (1990) .... Lillian Bodine
- NATIVITY, THE (1978) .... Mary [credited as Madeline Stowe]
 External links
Versión en Español
Cinefania Online
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