Mecha Ortiz

Mecha Ortiz
 Biographical data
Birth: 24 September 1900
Death: 20 October 1987
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Mecha Ortiz
Mecha Ortiz
Mecha Ortiz
 Mecha Ortiz 

 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Mecha Ortiz movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- CASA DE LAS SOMBRAS, LA (1976) .... Mrs. Randall
- Poster MUCHACHOS DE ANTES NO USABAN ARSÉNICO, LOS (1976) .... Mara Ordaz (Esquiú)
- Poster SOMBRA DE SAFO, LA (1957) .... Selva Moreno
- Poster DESHONRA (1952) .... Directora
- VIDAS MARCADAS (1942) .... Malena
- GRAN SECRETO, EL (1942) .... Alicia
 External links
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