Neil Giuntoli

 Biographical data


 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Neil Giuntoli movies
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- Poster HENRY: PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER, PART 2 (1996) .... Henry
- Poster WATERWORLD (1995)
- KEYS (1994) .... Neil Giuntoli
- STEEL JUSTICE (1992) .... Jerrod [credited as Neil Gray Giuntoli]
- TALES FROM THE CRYPT 4/46 SHOWDOWN (1992) .... Billy Quintaine [credited as Neil Gray Giuntoli]
- TWO-FISTED TALES (1992) .... Billy (ep. Showdown) [credited as Neil Gray Giuntoli]
- Poster BORROWER, THE (1991) .... Scully
- Poster CHILD'S PLAY (1988) .... Eddie Caputo
 External links
Versión en Español
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