Olive Tell

 One click to view alternate image  Olive Tell Olive Tell
 Biographical data
Birth: 27 September 1894
Death: 6 June 1951
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Olive Tell
Olive Tell
Olive Tell
 Olive Tell 

 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Olive Tell movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- Poster FOUR HOURS TO KILL! (1935) .... Mrs. Madison
- Poster PRIVATE SCANDAL (1934) .... Deborah Lane
- Poster WITCHING HOUR, THE (1934) .... Mrs. Helen Thorne
- Poster WOMAN HUNGRY (1931) .... Betty Temple
- Poster TRIAL OF MARY DUGAN, THE (1929) .... Mrs. Gertrude Rice
- PRINCE OF TEMPTERS, THE (1926) .... Duquesa de Chatsfield
- Poster WOMANHANDLED (1925) .... Lucy Chatham
- WORLDS APART (1921) .... Elinor Ashe
- Poster LOVE WITHOUT QUESTION (1920) .... Katherine
- SILENT MASTER, THE (1917) .... Miss Virginia Arlen
 External links
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