Paul Bonifas

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 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Paul Bonifas movies
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- Poster DE LA PART DES COPAINS (1970) .... Doctor
- Poster PEAU D'ÂNE (1970)
- Couple D'Artistes, Un (1970) .... Henri Faroy
- Poster FRISSONS PARTOUT, DES (1964) .... Notario
- Poster CHARADE (1963) .... Mr. Felix
- Poster CHARADE (1963) .... Felix
- Poster VÉRITÉ, LA (1960) .... Empleado
- Poster RAFLES SUR LA VILLE (1957) .... Insp. Bonifas
- SHERLOCK HOLMES 1/17 THE CASE OF THE LAUGHING MUMMY (1955) .... Prof. Von Gaulkens
- LISBON STORY (1946) .... Stephan Corelle
- Poster DEAD OF NIGHT (1945) .... Francés en el Público (ep. VENTRILOQUIST'S DUMMY)
- Poster MAN FROM MOROCCO, THE (1945) .... Mayor Francés
- AVENTURE MALGACHE (1944) .... Michel, Jefe de la Sureté
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Versión en Español
Cinefania Online
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