Raymond Huntley

Raymond Huntley
 Biographical data


Raymond Huntley
Raymond Huntley
Raymond Huntley
 Raymond Huntley 

 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Raymond Huntley movies
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- SYMPTOMS (1974)
- Poster BLACK TORMENT (1964) .... Cnel. Wentworth
- DANGER MAN 1/23 THE GALLOWS TREE (1961) .... Clements
- Poster SUSPECT (1960) .... Sir George Gatling
- Poster MUMMY, THE (1959) .... Joseph Whemple
- Poster OUR MAN IN HAVANA (1959) .... General
- Poster TOWN ON TRIAL (1957) .... Dr. Reese
- Poster LAST MAN TO HANG?, THE (1956) .... Abogado
- Poster PRISONER, THE (1955) .... el General
- TECKMAN MYSTERY, THE (1954) .... Maurice Miller
- Poster MEET MR. LUCIFER (1953) .... Mr. Patterson
- Poster LAST PAGE, THE (1952) .... Clive Oliver
- OPERATION DIPLOMAT (1952) .... Insp. Austin
- Poster MR. DENNING DRIVES NORTH (1952) .... Wright
- Poster HOUSE IN THE SQUARE, THE (1951) .... Mr. Throstle
- Poster LONG DARK HALL, THE (1951) .... Insp. Sullivan
- Poster SO EVIL MY LOVE (1948) .... Henry Courtney
- Poster I SEE A DARK STRANGER (1946) .... J. Miller
- Poster THEY CAME TO A CITY (1944) .... Malcolm Stritton
- DAY WILL DAWN, THE (1942) .... Subsecretario Noruego (personaje eliminado)
- GHOST OF ST. MICHAEL'S, THE (1941) .... Mr. Humphries
- INSPECTOR HORNLEIGH GOES TO IT (1941) .... Dr. Kerbishley
- PIMPERNEL SMITH (1941) .... Marx
- Poster GHOST TRAIN (1941) .... Price
- Poster NIGHT TRAIN TO MUNICH (1940) .... Kampenfeldt
- DINNER AT THE RITZ (1937) .... Gibout
- Poster KNIGHT WITHOUT ARMOUR (1937) .... Oficial Blanco
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