Richard Munch

Richard Munch
 Biographical data


 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Richard Munch movies
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- Poster HOLCROFT COVENANT, THE (1985) .... Oberst
- Poster TARGET (1985) .... Coronel
- Poster MÖRDERCLUB VON BROOKLYN, DER (1967) .... Sr. High
- Poster GERN HAB'ICH DIE FRAUEN GEKILLT (1966) .... Prof. Alden
- Poster UM NULL UHR SCHNAPPT DIE FALLE ZU (1966) .... Sr. High
- Poster RECHNUNG: EISKALT SERVIERT, DIE (1966) .... Sr. High
- Poster MORDNACHT IN MANHATTAN (1965) .... John High
- Poster SCHÜSSE AUS DEM GEIGENKASTEN (1965) .... Mr. John High
- Poster WARTEZIMMER ZUM JENSEITS (1964) .... Mario Orlandi di Alsconi
- Poster GASTHAUS AN DER THEMSE, DAS (1962) .... Dr. Collins
- Poster NASSER ASPHALT (1958) .... Dr. Wolf
- Poster DR. CRIPPEN LEBT (1958) .... Rev. Bennet
- Poster VERLORENE, DER (1951) .... Inspector
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