Robert John Burke

Robert John Burke
 Biographical data
Birth name, credit names: John Burke
Birth: 12 September 1960


Robert John Burke
Robert John Burke
Robert John Burke
 Robert John Burke 

 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of Robert John Burke movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- Poster LIMITLESS (2011) .... Pierce
- Poster HIDE AND SEEK (2005) .... Steven
- Poster GOOD NIGHT, AND GOOD LUCK (2005) .... Charlie Mack
- Poster CONFESSIONS OF A DANGEROUS MIND (2002) .... Instructor Jenks
- NO SUCH THING (2001) .... el Monstruo
- Poster STEPHEN KING'S THINNER (1996) .... Billy Halleck
- Poster KILLER: A JOURNAL OF MURDER (1996) .... R.G. Greiser
- Poster DUST DEVIL (1993) .... Autoestopista [credited as Robert Burke]
- Poster ROBOCOP 3 (1993) .... Robocop / Alex J Murphy [credited as Robert Burke]
- Poster TOMBSTONE (1993) .... Frank McLaury [credited as Robert Burke]
- Poster SIMPLE MEN (1992) .... Bill McCabe [credited as Robert Burke]
- NIGHTMARE WEEKEND (1986) .... Dave [credited as Robert Burke]
 External links
Versión en Español
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