Robert Surtees

Robert Surtees
 Biographical data
Birth name, credit names: Robert Lee Surtees
Birth: 9 August 1906
Death: 5 January 1985
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 List of movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
-Poster HINDENBURG, THE (1975) [Filmakers Group]
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-Poster COWBOYS, THE (1972) [Warner]
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-Poster OTHER, THE (1972) [20th Century-Fox]
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-Poster TWO MULES FOR SISTER SARA (1970) [Malpaso]
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-Poster COLLECTOR, THE (1965) [Columbia]
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-Poster HALLELUJAH TRAIL, THE (1965) [Mirisch]
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-Poster SATAN BUG, THE (1965) [Mirisch]
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-Poster CIMARRON (1960) [MGM]
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-Poster BEN-HUR (1959) [MGM]
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-Poster LAW AND JAKE WADE, THE (1958) [MGM]
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-Poster TRIBUTE TO A BAD MAN (1956) [MGM]
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-Poster OKLAHOMA! (1955) [Magna Theatre Corporation]
... Fotografía
-Poster TRIAL (1955) [MGM]
... Fotografía
... Fotografía
-Poster RIDE, VAQUERO! (1953) [MGM]
... Fotografía
-Poster QUO VADIS? (1951) [MGM]
... Fotografía
-Poster STRIP, THE (1951) [MGM]
... Fotografía
-Poster BIG JACK (1949) [MGM]
... Fotografía
-Poster ACT OF VIOLENCE (1948) [MGM]
... Fotografía
-Poster STRANGE HOLIDAY (1942) [Elite Pictures]
... Fotografía
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