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- Poster GOJIRA TAI MEKAGOJIRA (2002) .... Miyagawa
- Poster GOJIRA TAI MEGAGIRASU: JÎ SHÔMETSU SAKUSEN (2000) .... Takuji Miyagawa
- Poster SWEET SWEET GHOST (2000) .... Padre de Sakamine
- Poster KUROSUFAIA (2000) .... Yoshihiro Hasegawa
- Poster GAMERA 2: REGION SHURAI (1996) .... Cnel. Watarase
- Poster GOJIRA TAI BIORANTE (1989) .... Director Seiichi Yamamoto
- Poster IJINTACHI TONO NATSU (1988) .... Ichiro
- Poster JISHIN RETTO (1980)
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