Walter Griffin

 Biographical data


 List of movies
   All -- Movies -- TVmovie-Video -- TV Episodes
- MIDNIGHT ADVENTURE, A (1928) [Duke Worne Productions]
... Fotografía
- GREY VULTURE, THE (1926) [Davis]
... Fotografía
-Poster BORDER JUSTICE (1925) [Independent Pictures]
... Fotografía
-Poster COLD FURY (1925) [Art Mix Productions]
... Fotografía
- BARRIERS OF THE LAW (1925) [Independent Pictures]
... Fotografía
-Poster BORDER INTRIGUE (1925) [Independent Pictures]
... Fotografía
-Poster COLD NERVE (1925) [Independent Pictures]
... Fotografía
- OUTWITTED (1925) [Independent Pictures]
... Fotografía
- PERILS OF THE RAIL (1925) [Morris Schlank]
... Fotografía
- RIDING ROMANCE (1925) [Morris Schlank]
... Fotografía
-Poster FLASHING SPURS (1924) [Independent Pictures]
... Fotografía
-Poster TRIGGER FINGERS (1924) [Independent Pictures]
... Fotografía
-Poster CALIBRE 45 (1924) [Independent Pictures]
... Guión
-Poster WESTERN VENGEANCE (1924) [Independent Pictures]
... Fotografía
- CROSSED TRAILS (1924) [Independent Pictures]
... Fotografía
- TWO FISTED TENDERFOOT (1924) [Independent Pictures]
... Fotografía
-Poster BAFFLED (1924) [Independent Pictures]
... Fotografía
-Poster DESPERATE ADVENTURE, A (1924) [Independent Pictures]
... Fotografía
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