William Edmunds

William Edmunds
 Biographical data
Birth name, credit names: Michael Pellegrino
Birth: 1 January 1885
Death: 7 December 1981
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 List of movies
Movies --<>-- Search for posters of William Edmunds movies
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- Poster BIG SOMBRERO, THE (1949) .... Don Luis Alvarado
- Poster 13 LEAD SOLDIERS (1948) .... Prager, un Anticuario
- Poster LOST MOMENT, THE (1947) .... Vittorio
- Poster BEAST WITH FIVE FINGERS, THE (1946) .... Antonio
- Poster IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE (1946) .... Mr. Martini [credited as Bill Edmunds]
- Poster NOBODY LIVES FOREVER (1946) .... Sacerdote de la Misión
- Poster CLIMAX, THE (1944) .... Leon
- Poster CONSPIRATORS, THE (1944) .... Vendedor Ciego
- Poster DANGEROUS PASSAGE (1944) .... Capt. Saul
- Poster HOUSE OF FRANKENSTEIN (1944) .... Fejos, Jefe Gitano
- Poster ONE BODY TOO MANY (1944) .... Prof. Hilton
- Poster SEVENTH CROSS, THE (1944) .... Aldinger, Prófugo del Campo
- Poster SECRETS OF SCOTLAND YARD (1944) .... Isaiah Thom
- Poster ASSIGNMENT IN BRITTANY (1943) .... Plehec, el Restaurador
- Poster BACKGROUND TO DANGER (1943) .... Mesero con Información
- Poster FALLEN SPARROW, THE (1943) .... Papa Lepetino
- Poster ISLE OF FORGOTTEN SINS (1943) .... Jefe Nativo [credited as William Edmonds]
- Poster BERLIN CORRESPONDENT (1942) .... Hans Gruber
- Poster CASABLANCA (1942) .... 2do. Contacto en Rick's
- Poster CROSSROADS (1942) .... Chofer
- Poster MAN AT LARGE (1941) .... Otto Kisling
- Poster WOMAN'S FACE, A (1941) .... Espectador del Juicio
- Poster ESCAPE (1940) .... Mesero
- Poster MORTAL STORM, THE (1940) .... Lehman
- Poster STRANGE CARGO (1940) .... Sereno Nocturno
- Poster STRANGER ON THE THIRD FLOOR, THE (1940) .... Taxista
- Poster GERONIMO (1939) .... Scout
- Poster SHADOW OF DOUBT (1935) .... Mayordomo
 External links
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